Friday, November 5, 2010

Way to Evolution

Today is Deepavali, the festival of lights. Lighting lamps has an universal appeal; it goes beyond any particular form of religion or religious practices; it symbolizes victory, solidarity and ushers in a sense of well being as the great sages from India have uttered 'Tamoso ma jyotirgamayo'. It is about making an end to our ignorance and making ourselves sensitive to issues that cripples people and issues that act as a hindrance to any form of progress. It is about evolution of mind a step forward.

A change or a progress can be brought about by a revolution which is a sudden thrust that aims at demolishing the vices of an existing system or eradication of the system completely at a quicker pace. Evolution on the other hand is a slower process and is stabilizing in nature. In the eighteenth century, the age of enlightenment prevailing among western nations has been highly associated with a series of revolutions termed Atlantic revolutions that includes French and American revolutions. The zeal of emancipation from tyranny and oppression of any kind led to these huge armed uprisings and they later proved to be the harbinger of reforms in social, political and intellectual domains.

Bringing our focus to India, after 60 years of independence, we being in the 21st century cannot afford to have an idea of such social or political revolution. We are developing, growing financially with a strong middle class and are stable internally against any kind of military upheavals. Rather we need to evolve to fight against corruption, to fight against the social evils and the injustice to prevent another CWG scam or honour killings in the future. However, in an evolutionary approach, this fight is not only against a corrupted mass but also against an individual's numbness to corruption and injustice when he or she acts in his or her own capacity. Recently, a friend of mine shared some videos which bears testimonials to how common people can be empowered with Right to Information. (Here is the link: one must watch it. But that is not the end of the story. For someone, asking for the right information is an absolute necessary but the person needs to learn from it as well that the same is not repeated when it is his or her turn to implement the rule. One should learn to be sensitive to issues that are unjust and unreasonable. However, this essence is to some extent missing in the idea of a revolution. That is why the world did not witness end of French colonialism in places like Africa and India even after the fall of Bastille in their own land. In this regard, I highly appreciate the view of one of my profs who says that getting someone infused with the right outlook and values will make him or her sensitive and concerned over any social issue be it discrimination towards girl child or lack of education among underprivileged or anything that is unacceptable.

Let me conclude here wishing you all a Happy Deepavali and wish the light of the festival too leads us to the way to evolve.

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